About Us
About My Mother

About Me
My Sanskrit journey began from the time I was in my mother’s womb. My mother was pursuing her pHd in vedic mantras (vivaaha mantras to be specific) when I was in her womb. And as soon as I started speaking she spoke to me in Sanskrit and we converse only in Sanskrit to this day. Since my mother is a Sanskrit scholar many other scholars kept visiting our home and I used to listen to their scholarly discussions.
Also many people, Indians and foreigners would come home to learn Samskritam. When my mother was busy in her work she would assign me the task of teaching Samskritam. I started teaching Samskritam from my high school days. I first taught Sanskrit to a small group of Thai Buddhist monks. I totally enjoyed the whole experience

My Sanskrit journey began from the time I was in my mother’s womb. My mother was pursuing her pHd in vedic mantras (vivaaha mantras to be specific) when I was in her womb. And as soon as I started speaking she spoke to me in Sanskrit and we converse only in Sanskrit to this day. Since my mother is a Sanskrit scholar many other scholars kept visiting our home and I used to listen to their scholarly discussions.
Also many people, Indians and foreigners would come home to learn Samskritam. When my mother was busy in her work she would assign me the task of teaching Samskritam. I started teaching Samskritam from my high school days. I first taught Sanskrit to a small group of Thai Buddhist monks. I totally enjoyed the whole experience